Speaking at Book Clubs
As an author, there are few thrills greater than witnessing readers dive into the world you've created. Recently, I had the privilege of being the guest at a book club where members had read and were there to discuss my novel,Owl in the Oak Tree. The experience was a unique opportunity to see my words through the eyes of others.
Walking into the room filled with eager faces, each member clutching a copy of my book, was humbling, to say the least. The women seemed excited I was there and made me feel most welcome. The first few questions and discussions centered around one theme: how did I do it? How did I make up characters and bring them to life on the page? They said they wouldn’t know how to begin. That, for me, is the real joy of writing. It’s hard to say where it comes from or why it has such a pull on me, but the urge to write has been a constant my whole life. On the other hand, I can’t draw a stick figure and have always wondered how an artist can produce such beauty on a canvas…a poster…a wall…whatever. I wouldn’t know where to begin.
The discussion unfolded organically, and it was fascinating to hear readers' interpretations of various plot twists and character motivations. I loved their questions about the characters’ lives after the book ended…like they were real people: did Reagan and Jake get together? did Alex recover? What about Brian? Maybe I will answer those questions in a sequel. Not sure.
Unfortunately, I got so caught up in enjoying the moment I forgot to ask questions of them. Information that would help me write my next book: was there a place you wanted to quit reading…where? Which character did you like most…and why? Was there one you thought didn’t seem real…who? What did you think about the ending? Hopefully, I’ll remember the next time.
If your book club selects Owl and the Oak Tree to read as a selection and would like to have me join in the discussion, I would love that. It took me years to write this novel so I’ve got tons of tidbits to share—and who doesn’t enjoy peeking backstage? If you’re in or around Cincinnati reach out at pennywalk@msn.com.
You’ll also find a series of discussion questions at the back of the novel. They are perfect for getting the conversation rolling.